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Film Data
Are You There God? It's Me, Margaret  2022
Director:  Kelly Fremon Craig
  Julie Ansell, Judy Blume, James L. Brooks, Aldric La’auli Porter and Richard Sakai
Art Director:
  Angela Stauffer
  Nick Moore and Oona Flaherty
  Kelly Fremon Craig, based on the novel by Judy Blume
Director of Photography:
  Tim Ives
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people1 Rachel McAdams
people1 Kathy Bates
spacer1 Benny Safdie
spacer1 Abby Ryder Fortson
spacer1 Elle Graham
spacer1 Gary Houston
spacer1 Wilbur Fitzgerald
spacer1 Sloane Warren
spacer1 Mia Dillon
spacer1 Aidan Wojtak-Hissong
spacer1 Kate MacCluggage
spacer1 Jecobi Swain
people1 Rachel McAdams people1 Kathy Bates spacer1 Benny Safdie
spacer1 Abby Ryder Fortson spacer1 Elle Graham spacer1 Gary Houston
spacer1 Wilbur Fitzgerald spacer1 Sloane Warren spacer1 Mia Dillon
spacer1 Aidan Wojtak-Hissong spacer1 Kate MacCluggage spacer1 Jecobi Swain
people1 Rachel McAdams people1 Kathy Bates
spacer1 Benny Safdie spacer1 Abby Ryder Fortson
spacer1 Elle Graham spacer1 Gary Houston
spacer1 Wilbur Fitzgerald spacer1 Sloane Warren
spacer1 Mia Dillon spacer1 Aidan Wojtak-Hissong
spacer1 Kate MacCluggage spacer1 Jecobi Swain

When she is eleven, Margaret Simon's family moved from New York City to the New Jersey suburbs. Her mother is Christian, and her father is Jewish, but Margaret was raised without an affiliation to either faith. She frequently prays to God, beginning her prayers with, "Are you there God? It's me, Margaret."

Margaret is starting secondary school and feels uneasy about her lack of religious 'commitment', at school she makes friends who discuss the important topics: boys, bras and periods, but the religion subject is one that is always there...

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